Bereavement Resources
Bereavement Literature for Children
Videos on Loss
Personally, I have found this video helpful in validating how I am feeling with loss. I will add more as I come across them.
TED Talk by Nora McInerny. We don’t “move on” from grief. We move forward with it. (15 min)
Literature for Adults
Grief is Love: Living With Loss
By Marisa Renee Lee
Ways To Cope
Keep Busy
Throw all the energy that keeps your mind racing into something productive. Plant a garden, organize an area of your house, plan walks, or work on a project you’ve set aside.
Let Yourself Feel
Take time to feel your feelings. It doesn’t make you weak. Let yourself feel even if it is just for a moment before you regroup. Give yourself permission to feel everything you need to even if its for a moment.
Make A Memory Book or Box
Create a book or box with pictures, items, and momentos. My daughter is scrapbooking her memories with her sister.
Talk It Out
Vent to someone, be it a therapist, a trusted friend, family member, or a grief support group. Sharing how you feel, what you’ve been through to someone ( or people) you trust can help let go of some of the burden or anxiety.